Tuesday 27 March 2012

Evaluation - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media products?

Use - 
My newspaper, used real forms of media products through the use of layout and advertisement. This can be seen through 'The News'. My Newspaper design, stories and inspiration came from 'The News', as it is a local newspaper and I feel this will follow the same traditional conventions of a local newspaper. The Layout is my first major thing which influenced me to apply to my newspaper.

From this average front page from 'TheNews' which follows its same conventions for everyone of it's newspapers, this gave me an insight to how I should layout my newspaper. The masthead, main image,imagine caption, and adverts are placed in certain areas to make the newspaper, approachable and readable.

As you can see, with my newspaper, my masthead is in the same position as 'TheNews', this if by following their conventions. With the main image, with TheNews, there image and image main caption, it is all large on the front cover, where the text is over the image, this was also a convention used by TheNews. But I developed this form of convention by swapping the image and text around, still the same principle, but making it specific to the layout of my own newspaper.


I have also used conventions from TheNews website.

And here is my website -

I have followed conventions of Thenews by having the newspaper name at the top, with advertisement at the top, also with news stories from my newspaper along the left hand-side of my homepage. As you can see, along the right hand side of my newspaper I have my advert, which is following the conventions used by the News. By following these aspects of convention set by the News, I can ensure that my newspaper will follow a professional and reliable layout set out by a local newspaper. my row of other pages, also contains elements which are shown on TheNews' website such as "lifestyle and community" thus, making an imapct on my target audience as they feel part of the proximity of the 'spinnaker' and will be willing to read pages such as "community".

The ways in which I developed my media products is through adding personal touches and elements which follow the convention of my newspaper. I have still ensured that the layout and text are constructed in a way which my target audience will be able to recognise as a 'newspaper' but by adding my own personal touches makes my newspaper 'Spinnaker Post' more independent and personal in relation to other Newspapers.
One way that I developed forms and conventions of real media products was through the use of advertisement on my website. Most conventional local newspaper websites will consist of more than one advert on the right hand side of the home page. To make my website relevant to my newspaper, I incorporated my newspaper advert to my website, but made this the only advert. The reason for this is because I wanted to make an emphasis on this advert and that my audience knows that there is a direct link between my newspaper and website. This develops forms and conventions by not having more than one advert, I made this advert larger so that it would stand out more on my homepage and be noticed as an advert, which my Newspaper  has strong links too.

As you can see, this is the advert which I used on my website (top) and newspaper (bottom) - But to make emphisis on the relevance between them both, I have included more detail and imagery for the website advertisement. This shows a distinct difference compared to the two forms of media. In this modern day generation, to ensure that my target audience are able to be up to date with all forms of media rather than just my newspaper, by including different details and information regarding an advert my audience will use all forms of 'Spinnaker Post' media to gain this information. Therefore gaining more views.
This then leads me on to my Poster, another for of media related to my newspaper.I have developed my newspaper after research into newspaper advertisements, I thought by developing an already released advert, it will bring an element of proffesionalism and development into my newspapers media.

This is my newspaper, a receipt. This receipt contains all the information in my newspaper and also contains the low price that you get all the information for. This advert is a development of a previously used newspaper advert by 'The Sun' although not a local newspaper, by having a clever and customly used advert, my target audience in the proximity of Portsmouth will relate to this as a well constructed and clever advert for a local newspaper and this may encourage them to buy my newspaper.

Here you can see is the original advert which I developed through Photoshop to make the image relevant to Spinnaker Post.

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