Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation - How did you use new media technologies in the construct and research, planning and evaluation stages?


I used an apple mac program called IWeb, IWeb allows you to create a website using all the suitable functions you need. As I needed to make two pages, It also allowed me to create I direct link between the two pages.

Before I started creating my website, I did some research on some other local newspapers websites to see the conventions they follow and how they create a synergy between their website and their newspaper. I found out that both the websites and the newspapers shared the same newstories and advertisement. I used this knowledge to my advantage and I included the adverts and stories of my newspaper to my website, to create a synergy so my target audience and go to both media forms for more information on the story.
Below you can see both my website home page and my newspaper front cover and page two, and the stories and adverts which have been included in both.

The story on Peter has been inluded on both my page two and my website, this form of synergy can allow this story to be published and read by more people in portsmouth and shows a direct link for my audience who can have more information on the news.
On the front cover of my newspaper, I have my main story of a local sop being closed down, this was also included on my website of news stories but I used a seperate image to show they are different stories but on the same thing.

With advertisement, I also found out that 'TheNews' include the adverts on their newspaper as well as on their website. In fact, they have more adverts on their website than on their newspaper. I followed this convention by include synergy by adding the same advert on my website but with different imagery and text but both advertising the same thing. Even though it is a large advertisment on my home page, This challenges the conventions of a newspaper website by not having more than one in the right third layout of the website.
Most local newspaper websites have a banner of advertisment across the top of the page, this is what I also included into my website. I again used synergy between my newspaper and website by included the advert used on my front cover to my website top banner.

As you can see by looking at my home page, the menu  consists of 'news, sport' lifestyle, community and contact us' these are pages which I also found during research as the most common pages to have a on local newspaper website. as you can see on the image below from 'The News' they use the same pages whithin the menu -

Research and planning for my website found me back here, the news are very successful and layout there website in a way which is used regually by people from portsmouth, which is the same target audience as me. I follwed their conventions of layout with adverts, newstories, menu, search bar, and also the chance to be a member with a 'log in' page which makes my audience feel more part of my newspaper.

IWeb allowed me to acomplish this by, having a structured and layed out page which allowed me to have accurate margins and space relevant to start off my website.

This is the default page which is presented to you before you can work, you're able to delete what they have given you and you're also able to add, themes, texts boxs, shapes, web widgets use media and adjust imagery and video clips. This allowed me to create a professional website and helped me follow the conventions of other local newspaper websites

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