Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation - How did you use new media technologies in the construct and research, planning and evaluation stages?


Throughout the development of my newspaper, I needed to take some images, These were taken on my phone. This portable form of media was the best option for me as I do not own a digital camera. My phone is a blackberry, and Blackberry's dont have the best pixels for the use of a high quality photo, this is the reason why some of my images are blurred.

As you can see, this is an image for the Spinnaker tower, one of the images I took hoping to use it within my newspaper. As you can see, from the refletion of the light, it reduce the accuracy of quality which is needed within a newspaper. I then foud due to this, I was unable to use this in my newspaper.

I then had to borrow the colleges digital camera and also use my friends camera, to ensure that my newspaper contained high quality detailed images which is used within most media forms.
After having access to high quality images, I then used these images to encorporate all into my website, newspaper and poster. Throughout planning my all my media forms, I gained opinions from my classmates and of my own, and all approved of my digital camera rather than my phone images, which was then all used in my contruction.
I went down to portsmouth, which is in the proximity of my target audience and I took images which my audience will be able to understand and relate too as they live there themselves. This image, along side my other images, were taken down commercial road. therefore, the images taken even the one you can see below which was used for my front cover -

This photo was taken by using a digital camea so it sustained the quality needed to be a front page image.
I then put this image through photoshop to make it more specific to my story so it isn't related to 'TheNews' which relates me to my next point.


I used photoshop in the construction of my newspaper to ensure that the images I have used are specific to the story, and also show an element of quality and I can make the image show what I want it to show.
Photoshop is key to making your media product high quality and so that there are no underlying misperfections within the mese en scen of the image and that the main point being made from the image is being shown and no background setting or lighting is effecting this

Here is the tools which I would use whilst editing images that I took with my digital camera. One of the most common for of tool that I used when using photoshop was the 'magic brush tool' this tool help you replace one colour with the same image from behind and you're able to stretch the colour along to cover-up any imperfections. One of the images which consisted of this tool through editing was my front page image.
This image, even though is high quality, have blured light and the flash of the camera at night meant that the room behind the glass is shown. This was then removed by using this tool, and then rotated to me made fit for my front cover.

After developing my image, I removed all the lettering by dragging the 'white colour of the paper' across the previous lettering and the added my own lettering on top, this meant that I can evolve my story around my image which has been made specific to the story. I then removed all of the flashed imagery from the backround room on the ceiling so it does not distract the audience from the main image, but I left some background ambience to imcrease the reality of my image. I then placed "50% off all carlsberg!" on the bottom banner to show that there was once a previous promotion which th shop was advertising.

This was anothing image that I planned to develop in the hope that this would be able to appear in my Newspaper, but due to the quality of the image, I disgregarded this as a plausible image to use. So with the help of photoshop, I intended to work with the blured image to give it an authentic and modern look

As I was trying out ideas to make this more ultra-modern in relation to the representation of Gunwharf, I filtered this image through stylize and glowing edges.

I have decided to edit this further to create a more identified image of this as this is too dark and wasn't what I intended.

Throughout my development of filtered images through photoshop I have decided I have to emphasize the bright colours involved as the dark image can be blurred and unidentifiable

Before I chose the correct 'couple image' for my valentines day advert - I took a picture of one female, this image was bland and boring, so I felt I had to remove the plain background and replace it with red. The reason for this is because red gives the audience the connotations of love, passion, relationships and also valentines day. below you can see the development process I went through with photoshop to create this image.

By using photoshop I was alble to create professional style images which will be appropriate on my newspaper, website and poster.

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