Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation - How did you use new media technologies in the construct and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout my research I used a range of different sources to gain insight and knowledge into how to create my newspaper and website and poster.
My first form of research was direct, direct to the newspapers. I brought 'TheNews' and other local newspapers, I was also provided them at college, I read through these, discussed the conventions of the newspaper with my classmates, these all followed the same columns, margin, imagery and type of story, such as human interest related to the proximity of the newspapers audience.
My second form of research came from the internet. Before working on all my media texts, I googled "local newspapers" "local newspaper posters" and "local newspaper websites" these all gave me insights into the widerange of of newspapers up and down the country, what they have in common and what conventions each one follows and to look into these to see what one will be more appropriate for my projects. By researching through local websites, I gained knowledge and information on the layout and how they used synergy and human interest in their stories. Information on politics was occasionaly included, but most didn't have a political bias. Due to this, I didn't include any political information to ensure that I am neautral to all members of my target auidence. By having this knowledge before  I started my newspaper, poster and website, I was able to include synergy and keep to the same theme throughout.

In planning my newspaper, I firstly created a flat plan. By creating a flat plan I have a basis of how to make my newspaper and I am able to gain comments from memebers of southdowns college of what I need to include and what I didn't need to inlcude.

Both of these fonts and texts reseach helped me plan for my overall theme of fonts and to include this in my newspaper, website and poster. I made my final decision after the comments made for imporvements etc, for my newspaper.

This is my flat plan, this was designed through word, by adding coloured blocks and writting over it, it allows me to have a basic understanding of how to lay out my newspaper after looking through the conventions of other newspapers.

Word allowed me to use simple tools such as text boxes, shapes and to fill with colour. Easy to create a flat plan not too complecated but enough detail to give my classmates a chance to see what I will be making.


Flickr has allowed me to gather up all my images taken on my phone and put them in one place to they are easy to view. This creates an ease of access that they are all in one place and groups them together as a seperate group of images and seperate to my digital images taken.

Here you can see how they have all grouped together, this photostream is presenting all of my images taken from my phone and put together in a group. here you're able to access all the images and follow up the process of my development into the production of my newspaper, website and poster.   

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