Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation - How did you use new media technologies in the construct and research, planning and evaluation stages?

To create media products which mimic current media products, in this case, TheNews and any other local newspaper companies. The news produce, newspapers, posters and websites, which I will use to help create the same forms of media to ensure my products show an element of convention and to make it look professional and interest my target audience. The best way to achieve this is to use programmes which use effective tool and which can give me a perfect final finish. One programme which I used was InDesign. InDesign is a programme which allows you to use all the tools which can give you a final professional finish. Margins, columns, rows - all these tools allow you to have an evenly constructed front page and page two which can follow the layout and conventions of other media products.
As you can see, this screenshot on InDesign shows you how margins and columns can be used to create and evenly spread page which will represent itself as a modern local newspaper. By having these columns and accurate margins I will be able to place texts from stories, imagery and adverts in the correct place to follow the conventions of other local newspapers and so my target audience will be able to read it with ease.

By using the columns and margins I was able to create this, my final front cover, and this helped me to organise where my imagery and text should be placed so my audience can naturally make the link with image with its caption and text

Throughout development of my second page, I used the columns and margins from InDesign to help me create and organised page. Weather and contacts on the left - main image at the top and the space left in the columns will be where my story will go.

As you can see, with the columns now removed I am able to create a neat and conventional page two which my target audience will be able to read in the conventional reading style of a newspaper.

Along side TheNews local newspaper we see that their page two follows the conventions of margins and columns, by researching this amongst other local newspapers, I was able to encorporate this into my newspaper to present 'Spinnaker News' as a conventional, professional local newspaper.

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