Monday 31 October 2011

Audience, Narrative, Representation and Genre

Who would you expect to be reading your paper? 
My newspaper is a local paper situated in Portsmouth, so local members of the public will be reading my paper.
I would expect a target audience of 25+ consisting of both males and females from Portsmouth to read my paper.

What is their demographic? 
The demographic of my target audience is around the ages of 25+ adults who are at work and understand the current economic, event and local situations that are happening to have a clear understand of newsworthy information in relation to Portsmouth.

My target audience will need to of had an education to be able to read articles and pieces of information. They will also need to have an opinion and be able to textually analyse pieces of information to make up their own mind on the top. For example, information undergoing the councils plans or information about education of government.

They can consist of both male and females and news stories in the newspaper will not be bias to a sex, the reason for this is because this means more people can read and take interest in topics of news and purchase my magazine.
The race of the reader does not come into production of the newspaper but is considered to be local members of Portsmouth to read the Newspaper.

How will you create your paper to reach this audience?
I will create this paper in relation to my target audience to ensure a higher rate of sales.

Ensuring information provided will reach out to a certain proximity of the local members of the public in Portsmouth, from this it will ensure that the news is worthy to the readers and they can also understand news being published.
Ways in which I will achieve this is by including information which will be beneficial to them and also interest them. So, for example, due to the age of my target audience being 25+ I will include information on job situations, sport and also local events happening in the area which people could take part in from reading my local paper.

Using a recognisable colour, such as blue representing Portsmouth and Portsmouth football club, it will attract them as they can relate themselves to the newspaper through a local colour and group identity of being part of being 'blue'. From this colour readers will know that the information provided will be relevant to Portsmouth. 
Also by using advertisement in my paper to also increase the chance of the newspaper being sold as it could be purchased due to a deal or offer mentioned on the newspaper.

How can a daily paper have a narrative? 
A daily newspaper can have a narrative throughout a period of time either short or even long. Updating the public on recurrent news is essentially to ensure that they purchase the newspaper again to update themselves on news which they have read previously.   
An example of a narrative in the news could be along the lines of someones well being and a story which is not fully uncovered. This could be shown through a development of a crime 'dog was murdered' and a few weeks later a news headline stating 'dog killer found!' from this readers can use there knowledge of the story from previous newspaper articles to follow on from the story of the dog killer.

Information that appears in my newspaper will be related too 
local members of the community in Portsmouth. Such as Students, Adults, Businessmen an even Portsmouth football club. 

In local newspaper stereotypes are prominent to depict a negative connotation of such members of the
demographic like teenagers and students as being loud, drunk and also aggressive. This not effecting the newspapers readership as the target audience being 25+ this will not be effecting them but instead creating a interesting story to read. In the case of a human interest story, information based on elderly o more adult members of the public, they tend to be more sympathetic and on the side of his/her story.

A Local paper differs from a national paper as all news and information published will be specific to the public and readers of Portsmouth. This will go into more detail in comparison to a national paper where is can't be specific to a news story as it may not all relate to the public as the proximity of the readership compared to the proximity of the news story involved is very different. 

This local paper being a tabloid apart from a broadsheet, this also creates a huge change in layout, information and how the newspaper in presented.
Such as the font size and the amount of text used, in a broadsheet, text used will be much more in comparison to a tabloid which is more linked with imagery and short textual information, just an overview of a situation.

By understanding these factors of newspapers I will be able to target my newspaper specifically to members of Portsmouth and ensure that the information used will be relevant and go into enough detail for my readers to understand and enjoy and most importantly want them to purchase this again.
Also by the lay out of the newspaper to be able to recognise as a local newspaper and so readers do not get a wrong impression of the type of newspaper it is.

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