Wednesday 29 February 2012

Stories which could be included

Chairman of Portsmouth City Council, Peter Sheffield, has resigned after an ongoing dispute on the amount of help local childcare institutions are getting. Since 2004 The funding and support for childcare has dropped by 25%, this means local nurseries and social workers have been shut down or workers have lost their jobs. Peter Sheffield has been campaigning in the fight for funding child care in Portsmouth for years, with local events and sponsorships to help keep the funding for childcare at its highest. But this wasn't enough, the funding of recycling schemes and roadworks has been seen to be more of an issue. Peter Sheffield tells us that "this is a disgrace! both to the councils reputation and the governments. It should be human rights to put care before money making schemes like road works and recycling!".
The loss of Peter Sheffield has been a real blow to the people of Portsmouth, and now they have lost their trust with the city council, as Peters contribution to important issues and dedication to the public was inspiring to all. Local Road sweeper Jack Roberts tell us his opinion on this event. "It's such a shame to lose a great bloke like Peter, he made us all feel like the council cared about all of our needs. Now they aren't supporting child care as much as they should and Peter has left, I can see the council reputation going down hill and the public not getting involved as they used too". Figures show us that since Peter became chairman childcare and rehabilitation institutions were having increased support and funding by 5 - 10%, Peter still said this wasn't enough. After two years of being chairman Peter Sheffield noticed the amount of funding to support childcare dropped by 25%, He then went on to conferences in London to increase the support to health institutions and NHS, but this still wasn't enough to change the current crisis in Portsmouth. Years of hard work and determination has not shown to provide great success. But, the reputation, self belief and morality of Peter Sheffield is still intact. And is probably more respected than ever.  

Monday 20 February 2012

Page two development

Work on my page two of my newspaper. Here I have included the same colour scheme as shown on my front cover. The inside news at the top is also linked with my front cover, the refurbishment of the castle has been included here with 'monument'.
Along side the left I have included a four day outlook (still needs work with imagery of weather) sun and moon (set and rise times) high and low tides (for Portsmouth and Chichester) and finally contact details, here I have ensured I use a wide variety of media apart from just telephone. I have used website and telephone number. When I go to edit my page two in more detail, I will use other media forms such as - twitter, Facebook and myspace. These modern websites are now commonly used and will represent my newspaper to a younger audience. Which newspaper don't tend to do nowadays.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Final front cover newspaper

I have included information of the advertisement of the car 'dodge' below to connect to my audience. I have mention the local 'kwick-fit's' that my target audience are able to go to in relation to the proximity of my newspaper coverage. Portsmouth, Gosport and Fareham.
NOw I have completed my front cover of my newspaper, I now need to get my inside two pages done so I can move on to my poster and website.

Monday 6 February 2012

Front Cover Development

I have included additional information 'Also - puppy left to die in a bin' this ensuring the readers open the newspaper read it and also purchase it. Working with an aesthetic feel I will be able to attract my target audiences' attention.

Now I have included the car, my next job is too create an overall look for the front cover, where the advertisement at the bottom and the news are all working together to create an overall theme for my newspaper. After I have completed this, I will move on to the creation of my page two of my newspaper.

Bottom banner

I have decided to use this image for the bottom banner of my newspaper. The reason for this is because due to the poor quality of my images taken with my camera, I was unable to include human interest imagery. This image proved to be the best quality amongst my peers, therefore to make my newspaper high quality, I chose this.

I then took this image to photoshop, to take away the brightness of the suns reflection and to add to the license place, to make this image show connotations of authenticity. I altered the contrast and brightness of the image; Brightness down and contrast up. I feel that this image now, is suitable for newspaper viewing and is now more of a professional image. I now have to crop the image so it is suitable for a bottom banner viewing.

After cutting round the car with photoshop, I refined the edges using the smooth and feather tool. By doing this it reduces how square the image originally looked.