Monday 30 January 2012

Front page production

I have now worked on my front page, working alongside the conventions of my local regional newspapers such as the Daily Echo and The News. Also with using my own imagery and stories I have been able to produce my newspaper with the colours and imagery, to represent Portsmouth. (EDIT NEXT LESSON)

Monday 16 January 2012

Photoshop my image

I originally started off with this image, and I have decided to use this image for my newspaper. I firstly needed to remove the ceiling lights and writing on the paper. This was done through the use of clone tool and smudge tool.

Here you can see I am now able to change the picture to present what I want it to present in relation to my target audience. Starting with my own text on the paper.

I have now included my own text on the paper "Thank you to all our customers who have supported us We couldn't have made it this far without you!" This resembling the closure of a local shop. My next step is to change the bottom sign of 'The News' to something more generalisable to other shops, such as "half price on Carlsberg" or "drinks in fridge"

Now I have edited the image to be suitable for the article and my newspaper. "50% off all Carlsberg" showing that previously the shop had problems with sales and started to reduce the price of products. I have left some real natural ambient lighting to the right of the poster, to increase the realism of the image.

Images around Portsmouth

Image of Portsmouth at night could be used as a small article talking about businesses or even lighting in Portsmouth, relating to the proximity of my newspaper and also the readership.

Image of a 'shop to let' in Portsmouth, this image could be used to discuss business situations in Portsmouth, either new businesses or lost businesses. 

This image, could be used for advertisement on my newspaper, this one selling half price aurora bracelets from a local shop in Portsmouth.

These 3 images, for 50% seasonal reductions could be used for any form of advertisement which I could incorporate into my newspaper.

This image, although pixilated, could be used as a small article about primark or their cutomers. This image was taken specifically for human interest.

A closed long shot of 'The News' shop in Portsmouth, this could be representing closure of the shop and also an end of an era with a local newspaper.

Close up of the shop window, this image could also be used as a front cover, stating the end of 'The News' and thanking all their customers for their support. Obviously, this image will need some photoshop editing. This is be my next step.

After deciding that I needed more images for my newspaper, I went out and took images which could be both used for human interest and advertisement. After going through my images with my peers and teachers, I have now decided that this does lack in human interest. So my next step will be to take more images involving people.

Monday 9 January 2012

Producing examples of front covers

After following previous designs of flat plans I have came up with my first mock up newspaper front cover. The image will not be my final image as it is too pixilated and the title goes over the puppies face, this obviously not following the conventional look of a newspaper. Now my Newspaper now has look and character I will be able to follow this new up to date flat plan to help with the production of my final piece.
After showing this to my peers and other A level media students, They have all basically said the same thing, and that has got to do with the image I have used. Due to this, I will take some more photos with a higher quality camera to increase the professionalism of my newspaper.